
We have carefully designed our tokenomics to support our ecosystem over time, create a stable economic environment, and incentivize various stakeholders minimizing investor risks.

  • Contract Address: TBA

  • Token Name: Smart AI

  • Ticker: $SMART

  • Total Supply: 1 Million

Allocation details

Launch Phase

$SMART token will be stealth launching on Proof Platform. This approach is designed to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of tokens, while also preventing any potential front-running or market manipulation.

  • Launch Platform: Proof Platform

  • Launch Type: Stealth Launch

  • Token fees

    • First 20 minutes: 17% buy | 12% sell

    • Then: 5% buy | 5% sell

  • Transaction limit

    • First 10 minutes: 0.5%

    • Then: 1%

Last updated